Australia and Indonesia’s National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Reduction
The National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) is a Government of Indonesia team of experts operating under the leadership of the Vice President that coordinates government poverty reduction efforts across 19-member organisations (three coordinating ministries, 14 line ministries and two government agencies).
TNP2K was established in 2010 under the Vice President Boediono, continued in 2014 by Vice President Kalla and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin in 2019, underscoring Indonesia’s commitment to poverty reduction.
Australia has been honoured to support the TNP2K Secretariat at the request of Indonesian government since its inception in 2010. TNP2K has made significant contributions to an extensive range of poverty reduction and social protection reforms, reflected in the historic reduction of Indonesia’s national poverty rate to below 10 per cent for the first time in March 2018.
Other TNP2K achievements include establishing the Unified Database, which covers 96.7 million individuals (constituting the poorest 40 per cent of Indonesia's population) and is one of the largest data sources of its kind in the world. This database was also used as a basis to reform the electricity subsidy policies that have succeed in increasing target accuracy and resulting in savings to the state budget up to AUD 2.2 billion.
TNP2K has also been a key driver of Indonesia’s National Strategy for Accelerating Stunting Prevention, under the strong leadership of former Vice President Kalla and now Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. This strategy now brings together 21 government agencies to jointly tackle one of Indonesia’s priority development challenges.
(Left to right) Executive Director of TNP2K Dr. Bambang Widianto; former Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Mr. Eko Putro Sandjodjo; former Vice-President Mr. Jusuf Kalla; and the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Gary Quinlan, at the event handing over the formal report of the achievements and lessons learned by TNP2K over the last five years.