John Douglas Lloyd Hood CBE
John Douglas Lloyd Hood CBE.
John Hood was a diplomat, journalist and Rhodes Scholar. After graduating from Oxford University and pursuing a brief but successful career in journalism, he joined to Australian Department of External Affairs in the 1930s.
John Hood served in a number of important posts in the 1940s, including in the Hague and in post-war Germany. He led Australia's first delegation to the United Nations, where he served as president of the United Nations Security Council in 1947, and represented the Australian Government before the Security Council on the 'Indonesian question' in 1948.
In 1950 he was appointed Australia's first Ambassador to Indonesia, where he helped reinforce the close relationship the two nations enjoyed following Indonesia's successful struggle for independence.
John Hood would go on to serve as Australia's Ambassador to Germany and Israel, as well as representing Australia in a range of international forums until his retirement in 1964.