Australia and Indonesia's struggle for independence

The liberation of Indonesia from the Japanese: Australian troops landing at Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, in July 1945.
Pembebasan Indonesia dari Jepang: tentara Australia mendarat di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Juli 1945.
(Photo: Australian War Memorial, negative number: 128283)

Major General Milford from Australia accepting the surrender of all Japanese forces in Kalimantan, September 1945. With the defeat of the Japanese, Australians were able to turn their attention to the care of the people.
Mayor Jenderal Milford dari Australia menerima penyerahan semua tentara Jepang di Kalimantan, September 1945. Dengan kekalahan Jepang, Australia dapat mengalihkan perhatian untuk membantu masyarakat.
(Photo: Australian War Memorial, negative number: P0630/90/83)

Indonesians, who had been used by the Japanese as slave labourers, enjoyed a meal on Board HMAS Gympie.
Romusha sedang menikmati makanan di Kapal Angkatan Laut Australia HMAS Gympie.
(Photo: Australian War Memorial, negative number: 120071)

An Australian soldier gives a chocolate to a child in Tarakan, East Kalimantan.
Seorang tentara Australia memberi cokelat kepada seorang anak di Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur.
(Photo: Australian war memorial, negative number: 0G2701)

Urging a crowd of Australians to oppose Dutch re-colonisation of Indonesia at a rally in Wynyard Square, Sydney, 29 September 1945.
Daily Telegraph, State Library of New South Wales.
Mendesak sekerumunan warga Australia untuk menolak penjajahan-kembali Belanda atas Indonesia di suatu demonstrasi di Wynyard Square, Sydney, 29 September 1945.
Daily Telegraph, Perpustakaan Negara Bagian New South Wales.

Australian soldiers distributed pamphlets encouraging the struggle for independence.
Tentara Australia menyebarkan pamflet yang mendukung perjuangan kemerdekaan.
(Photo: Australian Archives (ACT): A816; 101/302/12)

Australian soldiers wrote to the Australian Prime Minister in support of Indonesia’s struggle.
Tentara Australia menulis kepada Perdana Menteri Australia untuk menyatakan dukungannya pada perjuangan Indonesia.
(Photo: Australian Archives (ACT): A4311; 511/3)

“Boycott the Dutch: Everything Dutch is Black!”
”Boikot Belanda! Semua yang berbau Belanda harus diboikot!”
(Photo: Australian Archives (ACT): A472; W29545)

Three Nations Good Offices Committee 1946-50. Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir visited by Justice Kirby from Australia, 1 July 1946.
Anggota Komisi Tiga Negara 1946-50. Perdana Menteri Sutan Sjahrir dikunjungi oleh Justice Kirby dari Australia, 1 Juli 1946.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-3)

Australian Military Observers are welcomed by Republican officers at Yogyakarta on 14 September 1947.
Pengamat Militer Australia disambut oleh staf Republik di Yogyakarta pada 14 Sepetmber 1947.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-16)

The United Nations Consular Commission confers with Dutch officials at Batavia on 29 September 1947. The Australian Consul-General, C. Eaton (with pipe), is serving as chairman.
Komisi Konsular Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa mengadakan pertemuan dengan para pejabat Belanda di Batavia pada 29 September 1947. Konsul Jenderal Australia, C. Eaton (dengan pipa), berperan sebagai ketua
(Photo: National Archive of Australia)

Australia ensured that Indonesians repatriated on the Esperance Bay and Manoora (above) were delivered to Republican hands. In all, the Australian Government repatriated 3,768 Indonesians to Republican territory.
Australia mengawasi agar orang-orang Indonesia yang secara sukarela direpatriasi di Esperance Bay dan Manoora (atas) sampai ke tangan Republik. Seluruhnya yang direpatriasi ke wilayah Republik oleh Pemerintah Australia berjumlah 3.768 orang.
(Photo: National Library of Australia)

By mid-1947 Indonesia’s struggle for independence and its support in Australia were making front-page news.
Sydney Morning Herald 26 July 1947. State Library of New South Wales
Pada pertengahan-1947 perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan dukungannya di Australia menjadi berita halaman depan.
Sydney Morning Herald 26 Juli 1947. Perpustakaan Negara Bagian New South Wales

Members of the Good Offices Committee arrive at Yogyakarta in January 1948. From left: Mr. Justice Richard Kirby (Australia), Dr. Paul van Zeeland (Belgium), Mr. Raymond Herremans (Belgium) and Mrs Hilda Kirby.
Anggota Komisi Tiga Negara (Komisi Jasa-Jasa Baik) tiba di Yogyakarta pada bulan Januari 1948. Dari kiri: Mr. Justice Richard Kirby (Australia), Dr. Paul van Zeeland (Belgia), Mr. Raymond Herremans (Belgia), dan Ny. Hilda Kirby
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-32)

Richard Kirby at Kaliurang with Sutan Sjahrir, President Sukarno and Vice-President Hatta.
Richard Kirby di Kaliurang bersama Sutan Sjahrir, Presiden Sukarno, dan Wakil Persiden Mohammad Hatta.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-46)

Richard Kirby from Australia presides at the signing of the Renville Agreement on board USS Renville, 17 January 1948. This session was attended by Vice-President Hatta.
Richard Kirby dari Australia mengetuai pelaksanaan penandatanganan Perjanjian Renville di atas kapal USS Renville, 17 Januari 1948. Peristiwa ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-36)

Relaxing with President Sukarno at Sarangan in July 1948. The June 1948 Critchley-DuBois Proposals were rejected by the Dutch.
Santai dengan Presiden Sukarno di Sarangan, bulan Juli 1948. Usulan Critchley-DuBois bulan Juni 1948 ditolak oleh Belanda.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-53)

Richard Kirby was replaced by Thomas Critchley as the Australian representative on the Committee following the Renville Agreement. Here, Tom Critchley meets the President in Yogyakarta, 7 December 1948.
Setelah Perjanjian Renville, Richard Kirby diganti oleh Thomas Critchley selaku perwakilan Australia di dalam Komisi. Tom Critchley bertemu Presiden di Yogyakarta, 7 Desember 1948.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-70)

The Good Offices Committee visits Republican leaders interned on Bangka on 15 January 1949. Front row from left: Raymond Herremans (Belgium), Tom Critchley (Australia), Mrs. Santoso, President Sukarno, Merle Cochran (United States), Mohammad Hatta and Haji Agus Salim.
Komisi Tiga Negara mengunjungi pemimpin-pemimpin Republik yang diasingkan di Bangka, 15 Januari 1949. Baris depan dari kiri: Raymond Herremans (Belgia), Tom Critchley (Australia), Ny. Maria Ulfah Santoso, Presiden Sukarno, Merle Cochran (Amerika Serikat), Mohammad Hatta, dan Haji Agus Salim.
(Photo: National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an12941529-73)

President Sukarno flanked by the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Vice-President Hatta on the return of the Republican leaders to Yogyakarta from exile on Bangka, 6 July 1949. Tom Critchley is third in line behind the President.
Presiden Sukarno diapit oleh Sultan Yogyakarta dan Wakil Presiden Hatta setelah pemimpin-pemimpin Republik kembali ke Yogyakarta dari pengasingan di Bangka, 6 Juli 1949. Tom Critchley tampak pada urutan ketiga dalam baris di belakan Presiden.
(Photo: National Library of Australia – existing picture)

On 23 August 1949, Vice-President and Premier of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta, greets Tom Critchley, Australian representative on the United Nations Commission for Indonesia, shortly before the opening of The Hague Round Table Conference. From left: Jean Romanos, Sultan Hamid II, Tom Critchley, Moh. Hatta, J.H. van Maarseveen.
Pada 23 Agustus 1949, Wakil Presiden dan Perdana Menteri Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta, menyalami Tom Critchley, Perwakilan Australia pada Komisi untuk Indonesia pada Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, sesaat sebelum pembukaan Konperensi Meja Bundar. Dari kiri: Jean Romanos, Sultan Hamid II, Tom Critchley, Mohammad Hatta, J.H. van Maarseveen.
(Photo: AHF/Haarlem Spaarnestad Fotoarchief – existing picture)

On 3 January 1950, President of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RUSI), Sukarno and Mrs Fatmawati Sukarno, receive Australian Minister for external Affairs, PC Spender, following Australia’s recognition of the RUSI.
Pada 3 Januari 1950, Presiden Republik Indonesia Serikat (RIS), Sukarno dan Ny. Fatmawati Sukarno, menerima Menteri Luar (Negeri) Australia, PC Spender, setelah pengakuan Australia atas RIS.
(Photo: National Library of Australia – existing picture)

SS Moreton Bay was one of the vessels chartered by the Dutch government-in-exile that was affected by the waterside workers black bans.
ANMM Collection.
SS Moreton Bay merupakan salah satu kapal yang disewa oleh Pemerintah Belanda yang terkena dampak larangan hitam.
Koleksi ANMM.